RACO Verbatim®


RACO Verbatim offers pace-setting functionality and expandability; It’s an autodialer alarm system, a remote monitoring system, a supervisory control system, a SCADA system, and a PLC network interface in one compact package. With an expandable modular bus architecture and up to 32 digital inputs, 16 analog inputs, and 8 digital control outputs, the system can monitor flow, level, pressure, temperature, pH, and other types of sensors, as well as control remote electrical devices.  Verbatim’s powerful programmable functions combine with its field-proven modular design to provide a flexible, reliable system that meets your most demanding alarm monitoring applications.


Features and Benefits:

  • Furnished with 4 contact channels, and modularly expandable to 32 contact channels and up to 16 analog channels.
  • Allows the user to digitally record speech messages.
  • Easily programmed from a control panel, or remotely programmable via any touch-tone phone over a standard telephone line.
  • RACO’s DOS SCADA system can be used over the dialup telephone network to interrogate and program Verbatim RTU’S, log alarm events for later analysis, and poll selected Verbatim RTU’s for data collection.
  • Can be arranged in a variety of ways to meet specific monitoring, reporting, and control requirements in large and small networks.


Additional information

Alarm Monitoring and Auto Dialer