Newterra Aquip Media Filtration System

The patented Aquip Media Filtration System offers reliable industrial stormwater treatment. 


Aquip Systems are available in several performance levels designed for the removal of pollutants such as suspended solids, turbidity, heavy metals (including dissolved metals), organics (e.g. volatile hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)), and nutrients (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus). Targeted metals include copper, zinc, iron, lead, aluminum, nickel and cadmium. The Aquip systems are typically installed above ground with a single pump station in a simple, easy-to-use configuration.

The Aquip Media Filtration System’s performance has been demonstrated at a wide range of industrial sites including scrap and recycling, galvanizing, metal fabrication, wood treating, automobile salvage, transportation equipment, food processing, power generation, marine and a host of others. Aquip is available in several modular configurations. Whether the structure is steel, plastic, concrete, fiberglass, earthen, or owner-supplied, Aquip owners can expect the same high performance and reliability in either retrofit, new construction or portable configurations.

  • Removes particulates and dissolved pollutants
  • Uses passive filtration, no chemicals, no backwash
  • Open top for easy access and operation
  • Operates unattended, 24/7
  • Gravity flow-through system, no moving parts
  • Simple and safe effluent sampling
  • Available structures include steel, concrete and plastics


Additional information


Removes suspended solids, turbidity, dissolved pollutants (including heavy metals), organics and phosphorus, targeted metals include copper, zinc, iron, lead, aluminum and nickel, patented filtration, no chemicals or backwash, passive gravity flow through system with no moving parts, open top for easy access and maintenance, operated unattended, simple and safe effluent sampling, technology assessment protocol.